Meal Planning Update…

it worked! well pretty much…we swapped the chicken to wednesday, and had the shepards pie on monday and tuesday as we were busy tuesday and had the chicken curry sunday because we were at my moms for her birthday on friday. but other than that it worked really well!!

sooooo this weeks meal plan is:

saturday- steak, mash, cream and mushroom sauce and vegetables

sunday – Roast chicken, dauphinoise potatoes and veggies

Monday – chicken dinner

Tuesday – filo parcels

Wednesday – beuf bourginon

Thursday – Leftovers

Friday – chicken soup

Emma-Jayne xx

“puttery treats”…

There I was looking for something to read last night on my kindle and I found “scrumptious treats for vintage housekeepers” by Alison May and I have to say I fell in love with the whole idea. THEN I found her website here and I was simply even more enamoured. I’ve spent quite a bit of time today reading her blog and thoroughly enjoyed my self. Go check it out! You wont regret it.

Emma-Jayne xx