Owls in the Kitchen…

A few months ago I was reading a magazine and saw something on wall decals. Looking more closely, I thought I could do that and it’d be perfect for my kitchen with some hooks in for my tea towels and oven gloves! So I grabbed a pencil and some acrylic paint and got to work…

It was really easy, just a little time consuming to put together. First, I sketched out the design onto the wall in pencil. I pretty much just copied the one in the magazine but you can do whatever you want! Then I filled in the design with different colours of acrylic paint. You could use leftover emulsion for the walls but I didn’t have any so I just used what was in the house. Then when it was all coloured and completly dry, I went around the edges with a black permenant marker although you could use paint. Finally we drilled holes into the wall, added wall plugs and screwed in the hooks. And its done!

I love how it brightens up my kitchen!

Emma-Jayne xx